TOSSAN Vessélina


Status : Associate Professor

Department: Marketing

Responsability: (Concurrently, at the school): None

Degrees and specialisation: (1 or 2 last degrees obtained): PhD in Management Science

Fields of research: innovation, intrapreneurship, leadership, consumer behaviour, retailing

Courses taught (course title): market studies, operational marketing, retail and cross channel

Selected publications (5 each)

  • Pike S., Kotsi F., Tossan V. (2018) “Stopover destination image : A comparison of salent attributes elicited from French and Australian travelers”, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management (article in press)
  • Simon F., Tossan V. (2018) “Does brand-consumer social sharing matter? A relational framework of customer engagement to brand-hosted social media”, Journal of Business Research 85 175-184
  • Cacho-Elizondo S., Shahidi N., Tossan V. (2018) “Assessment of a mobile Educational Coaching App: Exploring Adoption Patterns and Barriers in France”, International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction
  • Tossan V. et Chebbi H. (2014) « Le système de croyances des étudiants au sujet de leurs intentions entrepreneuriales : apport de la cartographie cognitive » Revue Management et Avenir, Issue 68, p.32-53
  • Simon F., Tossan V., Connan Guesquière C. (2013) “The relative impact of gratitude and transactional satisfaction on post-complaint consumer response”, Marketing Letters, Dec 6 2013