ATIF KHAN Muhammad

Professeur Associé

Statut : Professeur Associé

Département: Management et Stratégie

Responsabilité : Responsable RSE de l’école

Diplômes et spécialisation : Doctorat en Management

Domaines de recherche : RSE, Management durable

Cours enseignés : Business Ethics and Solidarity, Processus entrepreneurial et Lean Start-up, Projet tutoré, Sustainable development, Sustainable Development and CSR

Sélection de publications :

Atif Khan, M. (2019) “Re) Discovering the business purpose: A discursive approach to CSR and Stakeholder Management”, Society and Business Review, FNEGE (rang 4)

Atif, M., 2018. Communication of Engagement Report: EDC Paris Business School. Available on

Atif, M., and Charfi, A. 2016. CSR Disclosure Practice in France: A Habermasian Perspective. Accounting and Management Information Systems, 15(3), 447-473.

Atif, M., and Charfi, A. 2014.

Atif, M., Charfi, A. and Lombardot, E. 2013. Journal marketing research and case studies, 2013 (2013).