Assistant Professor

 Statut : Professeur Assistant

Département : Finance

Diplômes et spécialisation : Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris Nanterre

Domaines de recherche : Corporate finance, Financial accounting, Corporate governance, Corporate social responsibility

Cours enseignés : Comptabilité financière, Business Plan, Finance, Finance d’Entreprise, Gouvernance d’entreprise

Sélection de publications :

  • Depoers, F., Guizani, A., & Lakhal, F. (Forthcoming) Stock price crash risk, managerial ownership and cost of debt, Finance, [FNEGE 2].
  • Lakhal, F., Khemiri, S., Guizani, A & Bacha, S.  (Forthcoming). CEO overconfidence and tax practices: Does board gender diversity matter?, Management International, [FNEGE 2].
  • Benkraiem, R., Galariotis, & E., Guizani, A. & Lakhal, F. (Forthcoming). Product market competition and stock price crash risk:  Exploring the role of managerial ownership, Research in International Business and Finance, [FNEGE 3].
  • Benkraiem, R., Shuwaikh, F., Lakhal, F., & Guizani, A. (2022). Carbon performance and firm value of the World’s most sustainable companies. Economic Modelling, 116, 106002, [ABS 2].
  • Depoers, F., Guizani, A., & Lakhal, F. (2022). How do overconfident CEOs behave in competitive product markets: Evidence from stock price crash risk. Finance Contrôle Stratégie, (25-2), [FNEGE 3].
  • Benkraiem, R., Depoers, F., Guizani, A., & Lakhal, F. (2021). Powerful decision-makers and stock price crash risk. Economics Bulletin, 1876-1886, [CNRS 3].
  • Boubaker, S., Guizani, A., & Lakhal, F. (2020). Does corporate innovation strategy influence stock price crash risk? French market evidence. Bankers, Markets & Investors, 162, 35-44, [FNEGE 3].
  • Depoers, F., Guizani, A., & Lakhal, F. (2020). Contrôle familial, conseil d’administration et risque de chute du cours d’action: le cas des entreprises françaises. Management Avenir, (5), 109-129, [FNEGE 3].
  • Guizani, A., Lakhal, F., & Lakhal, N. (2018). The cash flow sensitivity of cash in family firms: does the board of directors matter?. Managerial Finance, 44, 1364-1380, [FNEGE 4].