
Statut : Professeure

Département : Finance, gestion et aide à la décision

Responsabilité : Enseignement, recherche scientifique et tutorat. Responsable du cours en méthodes quantitatives et en informatique

Diplômes et spécialisation : Doctorat en Mathématiques Appliquées, Université Paris IX Dauphine.

Domaines de recherche : Théorie de la décision, asymétrie d’information en assurance, modélisation par les équations structurelles, intention entrepreneuriale

Enseignements : Mathematics for business and quantitative studies (1st year), Financial Mathematics, 4th year Corporate finance, Quantitative Data Analysis, 4th year BDMC and Marketing Digital

Sélection de publications :

Bourliataux-Lajoinie S.  and Shahidi N. (2024), « Perception des étudiants face à la gestion des données personnelles utilisées et évaluation des cours : typologie des apprenants de SPOC et hybride », Management & Avenir, Juillet, n° 141, pp. 93-115, revue classée HCERES B et FNEGE 3.

Shahidi N., Bourliataux-Lajoinie S. and Tossan V. (2022), “La classification des individus face au partage des données personnelles : le cas de l’application StopCovid”, Management & Avenir, Vol. 4, n° 130, Août, pp. 135-156, journal classified by FNEGE 3, ABS 2.

Shahidi N., Tossan V., Bourliataux-Lajoinie S. and Cacho-Elizondo S. (2022), “Behavioural Intention to Use a Contact Tracing Application: The case of StopCovid in France”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 68, 102998, journal classified by CNRS and FNEGE 3 and ABS 2.

Shahidi N., Cacho-Elizondo S. and Tossan V. (2021), “Cross-Cultural Effects in Adoption Patterns of a Mobile Coaching Service for studies: A Comparison Between France and Mexico, » Journal of Global Information Management, Vol. 29, Issue 6, journal classified by CNRS rank 3.

Shahidi N. (2020), “The moderating effects of sustainability orientation in entrepreneurial intention model”, Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol. 28, Issue 1, pp. 59-79, journal classified by CNRS.

Shahidi N., Cacho-Elizondo S. and Tossan V., (2019) ”Helping students to succeed with technology, a Mobile Coaching App across Cultures: a comparison between France and Mexico”, R&D Management Conference 2019 June, 17th–21st The innovation challenge: Bridging research, industry & Society , Ecole Polytechnique, HEC Paris.

Cacho-Elizondo S., Shahidi N., and Tossan V., (2018) “Assessing Mobile Coaching Adoption Patterns and Challenges: An Exploratory Study in Mexico”, International Conference on Information Society and Smart Cities (ISC), CentraleSupelec, CNRS, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge city, United Kingdom during 27-28 June, 2018.

Shahidi, N., Tossan, V.  and Cacho-Elizondo, S. 2018. Assessment of a mobile Educational Coaching App: Exploring Adoption Patterns and Barriers in France. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction 14(1), 22-43.

Shahidi, N. 2014. Moral hazard and optimal contract with a continuum effort. Economics Bulletin, 34(3), 1350-1360.

Cacho-Elizondo, S., Shahidi, N. et Tossan V. 2013. Intention to adopt a text message-based mobile coaching service to help stop smoking: which explanatory variables? International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction 9(4), 1-19. Classified by CNRS rank 3

Shahidi, N. 2012. Les jeunes entrepreneurs nécessitent-ils un accompagnement particulier ? le cas français, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship 25(1), 57-74.

Shahidi, N. 2009. Competitive equilibrium in insurance markets under adverse selection and non expected utility. The Journal of risk 12(1), 79-94.