Statut : Professeure
Département : Finance, gestion et aide à la décision
Responsabilité : Enseignement, recherche scientifique et tutorat. Responsable du cours en méthodes quantitatives et en informatique
Diplômes et spécialisation : Doctorat en Mathématiques Appliquées, Université Paris IX Dauphine.
Domaines de recherche : Théorie de la décision, asymétrie d’information en assurance, modélisation par les équations structurelles, intention entrepreneuriale
Enseignements : Mathematics for business and quantitative studies (1st year), Financial Mathematics, 4th year Corporate finance, Quantitative Data Analysis, 4th year BDMC and Marketing Digital
Sélection de publications :
Bourliataux-Lajoinie S. and Shahidi N. (2024), « Perception des étudiants face à la gestion des données personnelles utilisées et évaluation des cours : typologie des apprenants de SPOC et hybride », Management & Avenir, Juillet, n° 141, pp. 93-115, revue classée HCERES B et FNEGE 3.
- Shahidi N., Bourliataux-Lajoinie S. and Tossan V. (2022), “La classification des individus face au partage des données personnelles : le cas de l’application StopCovid”, Management & Avenir, Vol. 4, n° 130, Août, pp. 135-156, journal classified by FNEGE 3, ABS 2.
- Shahidi N., Tossan V., Bourliataux-Lajoinie S. and Cacho-Elizondo S. (2022), “Behavioural Intention to Use a Contact Tracing Application: The case of StopCovid in France”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 68, 102998, journal classified by CNRS and FNEGE 3 and ABS 2.
- Shahidi N., Cacho-Elizondo S. and Tossan V. (2021), “Cross-Cultural Effects in Adoption Patterns of a Mobile Coaching Service for studies: A Comparison Between France and Mexico, » Journal of Global Information Management, Vol. 29, Issue 6, journal classified by CNRS rank 3.
- Shahidi N. (2020), “The moderating effects of sustainability orientation in entrepreneurial intention model”, Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol. 28, Issue 1, pp. 59-79, journal classified by CNRS.
- Shahidi N., Cacho-Elizondo S. and Tossan V., (2019) ”Helping students to succeed with technology, a Mobile Coaching App across Cultures: a comparison between France and Mexico”, R&D Management Conference 2019 June, 17th–21st The innovation challenge: Bridging research, industry & Society , Ecole Polytechnique, HEC Paris.
- Cacho-Elizondo S., Shahidi N., and Tossan V., (2018) “Assessing Mobile Coaching Adoption Patterns and Challenges: An Exploratory Study in Mexico”, International Conference on Information Society and Smart Cities (ISC), CentraleSupelec, CNRS, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge city, United Kingdom during 27-28 June, 2018.
- Shahidi, N., Tossan, V. and Cacho-Elizondo, S. 2018. Assessment of a mobile Educational Coaching App: Exploring Adoption Patterns and Barriers in France. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction 14(1), 22-43.
- Shahidi, N. 2014. Moral hazard and optimal contract with a continuum effort. Economics Bulletin, 34(3), 1350-1360.
- Cacho-Elizondo, S., Shahidi, N. et Tossan V. 2013. Intention to adopt a text message-based mobile coaching service to help stop smoking: which explanatory variables? International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction 9(4), 1-19. Classified by CNRS rank 3
- Shahidi, N. 2012. Les jeunes entrepreneurs nécessitent-ils un accompagnement particulier ? le cas français, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship 25(1), 57-74.
- Shahidi, N. 2009. Competitive equilibrium in insurance markets under adverse selection and non expected utility. The Journal of risk 12(1), 79-94.