Professeure Associée

Statut : Enseignant-chercheur

Département : Marketing entrepreneuriat

Diplômes et spécialisation : Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion

Domaines de recherche : Impact de la technologie numérique sur le comportement des consommateurs, satisfaction, TAM, UTAUT, applications mobiles, comparaison interculturelle

Cours enseignés : Category management/Merchandising, trade marketing,business development, entrepreneurial ecosystems, CRM

Sélection de publications :

Kondrateva, G., Ammi, C., & Baudier, P. (2020). Understanding restaurant clients’ intention to use mobile applications: a comparative study of France and Russia. Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), 28(3), 1-16.(FNEGE, CNRS 3)

Baudier, P., Kondrateva, G., Ammi, C., & Seulliet, E. (2021). Peace engineering: The contribution of blockchain systems to the e-voting process. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 162, 120397.( .(FNEGE, CNRS 2)

Baudier, P., Kondrateva, G., Ammi, C., Chang, V., & Schiavone, F. (2021). Patients’ perceptions of teleconsultation during COVID-19: A cross-national study. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 163, 120510. (.(FNEGE, CNRS 2)

Arfi, W. B., Nasr, I. B., Kondrateva, G., & Hikkerova, L. (2021). The role of trust in intention to use the IoT in eHealth: Application of the modified UTAUT in a consumer context. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 167, 120688. (.(FNEGE, CNRS 2)

Kondrateva, G., de Boissieu, E., Ammi, C., & Seulliet, E. (2021). The Potential Use of Blockchain Technology in Co-creation Ecosystems. Journal of Innovation Economics Management, I104-27. .(FNEGE 3)

De Boissieu, E., Kondrateva, G., Baudier, P., & Ammi, C. (2021). The use of blockchain in the luxury industry: supply chains and the traceability of goods. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. (FNEGE, CNRS 3)

Kondrateva, G., Baudier, P., & Ammi, C. (2021), Public Health management: Impact Perception of Telemedicine Cabin on Intention to Use. Gestion et management public (FNEGE 3)

Kondrateva, G., Baudier, P., Ammi, C. (2020) “The future of Telemedicine Cabin? The case of the French students’ acceptability”, Futures FNEGE (rang 3)Use of new technologies in tourism and restaurant business: comparative study between France and Russia, defended 13/10/2017

Understanding Restaurant Clients’ Intention to Use Mobile Applications: a Comparative Study of France and Russia. Article de recherche, Journal of Global Information Management (rang 3 of CNRS)  will appear Volume 28, Issue 3, Article 1 (2020).

The Acceptability of Telemedicine Cabin by Students. Conference paper and article RNI 2019: RNI Forum Innovation IX & Summer School 2019 “Innovation for Health. Innovation for Life” –18-19 July 2019, Napoli

The Digital Natives paradox  Adoption of Telemedicine Cabin. Conference paper and article. International marketing trends conference, Paris 16-18 January 2020