- Statut : Associate Professor
- Department: Management and Strategy
- Responsability: Head of the Management and Strategy Department and in charge of the Soft Skills module
- Degrees and specialisation: PhD in Management Science, specialisation in Information Systems, at Université Paris Dauphine.
- Fields of research: Information Systems management, use of social networks, art and entrepreneurship
- Courses taught : Big Data Management, Digital optimisation (user research/digital growth), Gamification, Méthodologie du Mémoire de Fin d’Etudes
- Selected publications:
Mlaiki, A. (2019) «Un Directeur de thèse pas comme les autres» in «Entrepreneur à l’université», Editions EMS
Mlaiki A., Walsh I., Kalika M. 2017. Why do we continue using social networking sites? The giving loop that feeds computer mediated social ties. Information Systems & Management, 22, 2, 5-47.
Kefi H., Mlaiki A., Kalika M. 2016. Understanding the phenomenon of addiction to digital social networks: the effects of habit and information overload in the case of Facebook. Information Systems & Management, 4, 21, 7-42.
Mlaiki A., Boukef N. 2018. Izak Benbasat : Un des piliers sur lequel repose le champ des Systèmes d’Information, dans Les Grands Auteurs en Systèmes d’Information, Dir. Walsh I., Kalika K., Dominguez C., Editions EMS Management et Société.
Mlaiki A., 2016. Thinking about the daily life of social ties in organizations: between immutability, return and mutation. In Théories des organisations : Nouveaux tournants, Dir. De Vaujany F.X., Hussenot A., chanlat J.F. Editions Economica, Paris.
Mlaiki A., Kefi H., 2013. La confiance et les différences interculturelles dans l’externalisation des systèmes d’information. Management & Avenir, 5, 63, 209-229.