KAMARA Moustapha

Affiliate Professor
KAMARA Moustapha

Department : Law & Economics

Diplomas and specializations : Lawyer, PhD in Private Law, University of Reims Champagne Ardenne, MBA NEOMA Business School

Research fields : Sports law

Courses taught : Sports professions, sports agents, sports institutions

Selected publications::

  1. Professional soccer transfers
  2. International sports transfer litigation, soccer and other team sports
  3. Player transfer litigation, practical guide
  4. Sports companies
  5. Soccer in all its forms
  6. Soccer reforms in Senegal
  7. The major challenges facing African soccer
  8. Sports associations
  9. Corps en lutte, the art of combat
    – Other useful information : Founding director of the Revue africaine de droit et d’économie du sport (RADES) published by Editions L’Harmattan, Paris, 3 numéros publiés.