EDC Paris Business School
BAC +5

MSc, Master of Science Luxury Gastronomy & Wine Management

  • €36 300
  • 150 ECTS
  • October 2025
  • 1 or 2 years
  • English



The delicate talent of great chefs and winemakers, the influence of their know-how and the quality of their products are no longer just an art. It’s a booming business. Heir to a centuries-old tradition, France is the world leader in gastronomy and wine, despite growing competition. The aim of this course is to train our students in the marketing, sales and distribution professions linked to gastronomic sciences: culinary traditions, oenological know-how and industrial and traditional production processes.

1st and 2nd years in initial course and in English

The program is labelled MSc, Master of Science by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles.

msc master of science


  • Transmit all the necessary skills to future professionals in marketing, sales and distribution of these high-end products in France and abroad.
  • To create a pool of young executives and entrepreneurs for the agri-food sector, gastronomy, wines and spirits, but also the hotel and restaurant industry.


  • Learning based on an advanced and participatory teaching method that includes lectures, exercises, problem-based learning cases and field projects.
  • Overview and analysis of key sectors in the food and wine industry.


  • Marketing Director for a food or wine brand
  • International Business Developer
  • Department manager for a specialized retailer
  • Category manager for food or wine brands / gourmet caterer
  • Marketing/ecotourism or gastronomic manager
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