3rd and 4th year PGE entrance exams


The EDC Paris Business School entrance exam allows students with a BAC +2 or BAC +3 diploma to enter our top business school in 3rd and 4th year. It enables candidates to pursue their studies in a prestigious academic environment and acquire in-depth knowledge in a specific field, while also having the opportunity to take part in international programmes.

Why join us?

  • A modern and stimulating learning environment

At EDC Paris, you benefit from modern facilities, collaborative workspaces and cutting-edge technology. Our teachers are recognised experts from the business world and leading academic institutions. They will give you the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in a constantly changing professional environment.

  • Personalised support to help you succeed

The Corporate Relations Department offers personalised support for each student, with career coaching services, personal development workshops and preparation for recruitment interviews. You'll benefit from tailor-made support throughout your course, to help you realise your career plans and achieve your goals.

  • A powerful and influential alumni network

When you join the EDC Paris Business School, you become part of an alumni network of more than 11,000 professionals in over 80 countries. This network will offer you mentoring, recruitment and professional exchange opportunities. You will be supported throughout your career and beyond your studies, with contacts that will open the doors to the biggest companies.


  • Eligibility requirements are as follows:

    • 3rd year: applicants must hold a 2-year post-Baccalaureate diploma (BTS, DUT or equivalent), or have 120 ECTS credits from two years of non-degree study or a recognised preparatory class. Applicants from non-contracted preparatory classes are not eligible.
    • 4th year: applicants must hold a 3-year higher education diploma (180 ECTS credits) or a level II certified qualification (Bac+4) registered with the RNCP, or provide proof of 180 ECTS credits in a 4-year course.

    Documents to be provided:

    • Copy of identity card
    • Copy of last diploma obtained
    • Copy of baccalaureate diploma
    • Copy of baccalaureate transcripts
    • Certificate of enrolment specifying current diploma
    • Transcript of marks for the last two years
    • CV
    • Professional projection letter
    • Language level certificate (optional)

    Registration fee: €50

  • Written tests:

    • English test (1 hour): document analysis, audio analysis, grammatical knowledge and vocabulary (face-to-face)
    • Aptitude test (1 hour): numeracy, reasoning, expression and logic (face-to-face).

    Motivational interview: this is an opportunity to convince a panel of alumni and teachers from the school of the coherence of your background, your motivations and your career plans.

I'm a candidate ! 



If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us !


📩 [email protected] 
📱09 80 80 21 15

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