Benefit from our expertise

At EDC Paris Business School, we give priority to teaching and applied research chairs, in order to meet the needs of our partner companies and thereby boost the impact of our work on the development of our region.
With this in mind, all our chairs are linked either to specializations in our Grande Ecole or Bachelor's programs, or to dedicated training courses.
At EDC Paris Business School, we develop two types of chair
Multi-sponsor chairs (maximum 6 sponsors) launched by the school and supporting our areas of differentiation:
"Entrepreneurship & Business Development" Chair: What are the key success factors of entrepreneurship? How can we develop an intrapreneurial culture? How to break new ground? Entrepreneurship & family businesses?
"Innovation & Digital" Chair: What are innovative/disruptive business models? What is the impact of digital on a company's strategy and value chain? How is digital revolutionizing marketing?
"Performance @360°" Chair: What are the levers of financial/economic, HR, operational, societal or environmental performance? How to adopt a global approach to performance.
Chairs (sponsor or multi-sponsor) co-constructed with our partners Chair “Cartier - Sup de Luxe”.
At EDC Paris Business School, we are developing two types of chair:
Multi-sponsor chairs (maximum 6 sponsors) launched by the school and which support our areas of differentiation:
- “Entrepreneurship & Business Development” Chair: What are the key success factors of entrepreneurship? How to develop can an intrapreneurial culture? How to break new ground? Entrepreneurship & family businesses? …
- “Innovation & Digital” Chair: What are the innovative/disruptive business models? What is the impact of digital on the company’s strategy and value chain? How is digital revolutionising marketing? …
- “Performance @360°” Chair: What are the levers of financial/economic, HR, operational, societal and environmental performance? How to adopt a global approach to performance
Chairs (sponsors or multi-sponsors) co-constructed with our partners “Cartier – Sup de Luxe” Chair.