
What is the role of an account manager ?

The account manager plays an essential role in any company engaged in commercial activity. He or she is usually the company representative with whom the customer comes into closest contact. Would you like to practice your future profession in sales and customer relations? Discover our Sales Management Master's program and learn how to win over your customers and build loyalty, while conquering new markets.

What role does an account manager play in a company?

The account manager occupies a central position in customer-oriented companies. He or she is the guarantor of the proper development of relationships with existing customers, playing a key role in customer loyalty and sales growth. Unlike a salesperson, who often focuses on acquiring new customers, the account manager's main mission is to maintain and maximize relationships with existing customers.

As a privileged interlocutor with customers, he/she must understand their needs, propose appropriate solutions and ensure that commitments made by the company are respected. They are often at the crossroads of several company functions: they work with marketing teams, after-sales service, and sometimes even R&D, to improve the customer experience and propose products or services that perfectly meet expectations. The account manager also plays the role of mediator, managing any conflicts or dissatisfactions, always with a view to maintaining a relationship of trust.

Customer portfolio management is a balancing act between satisfying existing needs and anticipating future expectations. A good account manager constantly analyzes the performance of each customer, based on key indicators such as sales generated, margin achieved and frequency of interactions. He or she seeks to identify upsell (increased volumes or services) or cross-sell (sale of complementary products) opportunities.

Personalizing exchanges is an essential part of this management process. Customers need to feel listened to and understood. To achieve this, the account manager listens actively, and maintains regular contact, through face-to-face meetings or phone calls. The ability to anticipate needs and offer solutions even before the customer asks for them is a real asset.

In a context where customers are increasingly demanding, it is also necessary to demonstrate responsiveness and adaptability, particularly in the event of a problem. Response times and the ability to propose fast, effective solutions all contribute to the customer's perception of the company. A good account manager is at once a strategist, an analyst and a negotiator.

The role of the account manager requires technical, relational and strategic skills, all of which are at the heart of the Master in Commercial Management offered by EDC Business School. Thanks to a hands-on approach and modules focusing on portfolio management, negotiation and understanding customer needs, the Master provides students with the skills they need to excel as account managers. The courses develop both the strategic vision needed to optimize commercial relationships and the mastery of the digital tools that are today indispensable to customer performance management.

Skills needed to work as an account manager

Responsible for customer management and loyalty, the account manager must combine multiple skills to ensure the success of the relationship between the company and its customers. He or she is at once an expert in customer relations, a commercial strategist and a seasoned negotiator.

Skill 1: communication and interpersonal skills

The account manager is the main point of contact between the company and its customers. As such, he or she must demonstrate excellent communication skills, both verbal and written. Clear, persuasive communication helps to build a relationship of trust with customers, while ensuring that they feel listened to and understood.

Interpersonal skills are also key. It's not just about selling, but about building lasting relationships. A good account manager knows how to establish personal links with customers, creating an environment where they feel valued and respected. This ability to create strong interpersonal relationships is essential to maintaining customer loyalty over the long term.

Skill 2: negotiation

The account manager is often involved in commercial negotiations, whether to conclude contracts, adjust prices or introduce new services. They must therefore know how to negotiate effectively to achieve their company's objectives, while taking into account the interests of their customers.

Negotiation involves striking the right balance between company expectations and customer needs. This requires diplomacy, active listening and the ability to find compromises that benefit both parties.

Skill 3: in-depth product knowledge

To advise customers effectively, account managers must have in-depth knowledge of the company's products and services. This enables them not only to answer customers' questions quickly and accurately, but also to propose solutions tailored to their needs. This expertise is also essential for anticipating future customer requests, by proposing complementary products or improvements.

The account manager must also keep abreast of market and competitive developments, so as to always be in a position to bring added value to customers and defend the company's position against competitors.

Skill 4: organization

An account manager often manages several customers at the same time, each with their own specific needs and deadlines. It is therefore essential to know how to prioritize tasks and organize one's schedule in such a way as to meet customer expectations while respecting the commercial objectives set by the company.

Skill 5: Customer service orientation

A good account manager needs to be problem-solving and proactive to deliver an exceptional customer experience. By putting themselves in the customer's shoes, the account manager can propose solutions that precisely meet their expectations, thereby boosting satisfaction and loyalty. This customer-centric approach is essential to building a relationship of trust.

Account manager training

The job of account manager, which involves managing and developing relationships with a company's customers, requires specific training combining commercial, relational and strategic skills. To prepare for this role, training in sales, marketing or management is often essential. A 3-year higher education diploma, such as a bachelor's degree in management or business, forms the basis of this training. However, to fully master the challenges of this position, a Master's degree specialized in customer relationship management, sales management or business development is recommended.

These courses provide skills in communication, negotiation, portfolio management and strategic analysis. Students learn how to understand customer needs, propose appropriate solutions and develop customer loyalty strategies. What's more, in-company internships are often an integral part of the curriculum to provide hands-on experience of the profession.

In this way, an account manager trains at the crossroads of theory and practice, equipping himself or herself with the tools needed to optimize customer satisfaction and contribute to the company's growth.

Do you have a flair for customer relations and love to sell? EDC Paris Business School's Master's in Sales Management offers you an excellent training program to learn how to lead a network, manage a team and master the sales cycle.

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