SCHOCH Patrice


Status : Assistant Professor

Department : Entrepreneurship

Specialization Manager : Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Diplomas and specializations : Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Spzcialization Strategy, Rennes 1 University

Research fields : Business and strategic intelligence, Entrepreneurship, Networks of influence, Stakeholders and ecosystem, Strategic public and political intelligence, Geopolitics and geostrategy

Courses taught : Entrepreneurship ecosystem, Business Development, Entrepreneurial and strategic agility in the face of the climate emergency, Mission Wire Red: I’m an entrepreneur ‘‘Managing a startup’’


Patrice SCHOCH holds a PhD in Management Sciences - Strategy from the University of Rennes 1, and is a teacher-researcher specializing in economic and strategic intelligence, entrepreneurship and the development of innovation ecosystems. Since September 2022, he has been head of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Department at EDC Paris Business School, where he is also scientific coordinator of the Chairs and academic referent for a European project (Erasmus+) on gamification of entrepreneurship.

Alongside his duties at EDC Paris BS, he has been a research associate at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Mutations in Economic and Political Spaces (LIMEEP-PS) at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) since January 2025, and a member of the Strategic Intelligence and Foresight Commission (CISP) of the French Aeronautics and Astronautics Association (3AF).

His academic and professional career is marked by an interdisciplinary approach combining teaching, research and strategic consulting. Before joining EDC Paris BS, he was a teacher-researcher in entrepreneurship and strategy at the University of Rennes 1 from 2019 to 2022. He also directed Think Lab 360 and founded CAP-IRIS Conseil, a company specializing in R&D on territorial dynamics and networks of influence.

His research focuses on economic and strategic intelligence, entrepreneurship, networks of influence and innovation ecosystems. He is the author of several articles and has contributed to several books on strategic intelligence and digital transformation. He is a regular speaker at academic and professional conferences, and actively participates in the organization of scientific events. 

Committed to the development of research and dialogue between academia and business, he is also a member of the Strategic Consortium of Intelligence Professionals (SCIP), where he chairs the Center of Excellence in Strategic Intelligence in France (ICoE).

With recognized expertise in strategic intelligence, foresight and innovation management, Patrice SCHOCH actively contributes to the debate on the challenges of transforming organizations and territories in an uncertain, globalized environment.

Selected publications:

Reviewed journals

  • Schoch, P. (2022) “Conceptualisation théorique d’une intelligence stratégique intégrée aux processus décisionnels opérationnels et non économiques du secteur public : proposition d’un agenda de recherche d’applicabilité aux collectivités territoriales”, submitted to the journal Politique et Management Public – June 2022

Scientific books

Book chapter, in progress

  • Schoch, P., Le Rudulier, K. (2022) “Proposition d’une méthodologie de la chaîne de valeur pour intégrer la RSE : le pilotage des indicateurs liés aux processus de l’activité entrepreneuriale”, collective work, 1st Congress on CSR. (Start 2023)

Edited books published 

  • Schoch, P., Akdim, H., Sennouni, A., Jourt-Pineau, C. (2021) «Pilotage stratégique 5.0 et résilience des organisations : Vers un “Time To Action” réduit des organisations face aux changements disruptifs de la Société» L’Harmattan, 2020, Strategic Intelligence and Geostrategy. ⟨hal-02939458⟩ – Project management
  • Schoch, P., Du Castel, V., Bennar, H. (2020) «Pilotage stratégique 5.0 et durabilité des territoires : Vers une intelligence des territoires adaptée aux changements disruptifs» L’Harmattan, 2020, Strategic Intelligence and et Geostrategy, 978-2-343-17932-2. ⟨hal-02939493⟩ – Project management
  • Schoch, P., Du Castel, V., Akdim, H., Queval-Bourgeois, O. (2019) «Vision Stratégique 5.0 : Pilotez vos actions face aux changements disruptifs de la Société» L’Harmattan, 2019, Strategic Intelligence and et Geostrategy, 978-2-343-17932-2. ⟨hal-02939419⟩ – Project Management
  • Schoch, P. (2018) «Intelligence stratégique localisée : Vers une gestion active et pertinente des réseaux d’influence» Connaissances et savoirs, 2018, coll. “Géopolitique et Sciences Politiques”, 9782753905771. ⟨halshs-01880955⟩ – Thesis publication
  • Popular and outreach magazines
  • Schoch, P. (2019) «L’intelligence stratégique au service du territoire» Revue de la Gendarmerie Nationale, Direction générale de la gendarmerie nationale, 2019, La sécurité économique des TPE et des PME dans un environnement numérique, pp. 32 to 41.
  • Schoch, P. (2020) «Covid-19 et gouvernance territoriale : vers une application adaptée de l’intelligence stratégique à la gestion de crise des collectivités territoriales» 2020,