- Statut: Assistant Professor
- Department : Finance, Economics & Law
- Responsability : Head of Msc Data Science & Business Analytics
- Degrees & specializations : MS in Banking & Finance, PhD in Financial Economics
- Field of research : CSR disclosure, Firm Innovation & access to finance, Board composition, AI & ML in finance
- Courses taught : Financial Risk Managment;Portfolio Managment; Financial Markets; Corporate Finance; Data Analytics Tools
- Selected publications:
Shahab, Y., Gull, A.A., Ahsan, T. and Mushtaq, R., 2021. CEO power and corporate social responsibility decoupling. Applied Economics Letters, pp.1-5; Mushtaq, R., Gull, A.A. and Usman, M., 2022. ICT adoption, innovation, and SMEs’ access to finance.
Telecommunications Policy, 46(3), p.102275; Gull, A.A., Derouiche, I. and Mushtaq, R., 2021. Gender-diverse boards and related party transactions: What makes the difference?.
Revue Française de Gouvernance d’Entreprise; Murtaza, G., Abbas, M., Raja, U., Roques, O., Khalid, A. and Mushtaq, R., 2016. Impact of Islamic work ethics on organizational citizenship behaviors and knowledge-sharing behaviors. Journal of Business Ethics, 133(2), pp.325-333.