Associate Professor

Department: Marketing & Luxe

Diplomas and specializations : PhD in Marketing, IAE Université de Lille (France)

Research fields : Luxury, Digital Marketing and Consumer Behavior

Courses taught : Luxury Marketing, Social Media and E-Reputation, Luxury Communication Strategy and Market Research

Selected publications

  1. 2023: When the Museum Experience Becomes Immersive: Impact and Challenges of Mobile Augmented Reality» ; RISO (Revue International des Sciences de l’Organisation ; Cat. FNEGE), Vol 14, pp 127-157 (Janvier 2023),
  2. 2022 : The Bandwagon luxury consumption in Tunisian case : The roles of independent and interdependent self-concept” ; Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (Vol 52, Janv, 101903) [ 3]
  3. 2022: Luxe et Nouveaux Modèles d’Affaires : Enjeux, Cas Pratiques et Perspectives., Chapitre ouvrage, Tome 1, Chap 4, pp (67-85) in Les Carnets de L’Istec, Quand Internet Remodèle le Marketing, (parution, juin 2022), Paris.