BAKRIM Redouane

Assistant Professor
Redouane BAKRIM

Statut : Assistant Professor

Départment : Marketing & Luxe

Responsabilities : Course coordinator Community management and social networks

Diplomas and specializations : Data engineer, Advanced master in marketing and PhD student in marketing.

Research fields : Online consumer behavior, Corporate social responsibility and citizenship behavior, digital marketing and IT adoption

Courses taught : Community Management and social media, Digital video, Digital marketing levers, Case study methodology

Conferences :

Bakrim, R., Hyun, M.Y., Sabri, O., Lee, S. (2023). Digital Sinners: A Comprehensive Systematic Review of Online Consumer Misbehavior Literature of the Last Decade (Full Paper). Proceedings of 2023 Global Marketing Conference, July 20-23, 2023. Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Bakrim, R., Hyun, M.Y., Sabri, O., Lee, S. (2022). A Holistic Review of the Consumer Misbehavior Literature: Understanding and Definitions. Proceedings of 2022 International Conference Sustainable Business Practices in a VUCA World – ICSBP2022, June 23-24, 2022. Rabat, Morocco.