Student Association (BDE)
The Organisation
The Student Office is the association that aims to unite students around a school spirit and common values that make up EDC’s identity. For this, it is the only association elected by these students each year.
His mission ?
Organize and animate student life on and off campus. Its main objective is to bring people together! Create that family spirit which is our greatest strength.
- Theme days
- Evening events
- Trips
- Partnerships / special deals/li>
It also offers valuable experience for members: project management, canvassing support, budget management, comparing estimates, etc. Students learn how to lead, plan and communicate about these events.
Are you an entrepreneur, an outgoing leader who likes to bring people together? The BDE is for you!
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To know our latest news
Sessions d’information mentoring
21 09 2022 | Entreprise I Nos actualités
Vous êtes étudiant ou ancien de l’EDC ? Vous avez un projet de création d’entreprise ou de reprise d’entreprise ? Mettez toutes les chances de réussite de votre côté, intégrez EDCube !
Your campus at La Défense !
29 09 2021 | Our news
Watch a video of your new campus in the heart of La Défense
Votre campus à la Défense !
29 09 2021 | Nos actualités
Découvre en vidéo votre nouveau campus situé au coeur de la Défense