William Hurst appointed head of EDC Paris Business School
A graduate of ESC Grenoble and holder of an MBA in Strategy and Marketing from HEC-Bocconi, William Hurst is very familiar with world of higher education. After working for several years in strategy consultancy, he spent more than ten years in management bodies of prestigious business schools such as EM Lyon and Audencia. As a member of the executive committee at Audencia, in charge of Executive Education, his work contributed to the school’s positioning in the international rankings.
William Hurst’s profile, strengths and his experience will be key advantages in rolling out EDC Paris Business School’s development strategy.
The new Dean took up his role at the beginning of September 2018.
About EDC Paris Business School
EDC Paris BS is an independent business school founded in 1950 and delivering 5-year Master’s degrees. In 2016, the school was awarded international EPAS accreditation. The programmes at EDC Paris BS are built around the Entrepreneurial Spirit and many systems have been introduced to promote business creation. EDC has a network of 15,000 alumni in 75 countries. More than 90% of students find employment within 2 months of their graduation.
EDC has been part of Grupo Planeta since June 2017. Planeta is a family-run group and is now the leader in private education in Spain, with more than 100,000 students of 90 different nationalities. The group also has other schools in France such as ESLSCA, IFAM, Ecole de Guerre Economique, Sup de Luxe and Sports Management School (SMS). Grupo Planeta is the leading Spanish publishing and communication group. It also owns Editis, the second-largest French publishing group which owns prestigious publishing companies in literature and education (Plon, Le Cherche Midi, Robert Laffont, Pocket, 10/18…).
Sessions d’information mentoring
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Votre campus à la Défense !
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