They created the start-up Pépite, the “Tinder of fashion”, and have great ambitions
A model of success for student entrepreneurs
Charly Obligis and Aodren Le Bail-Collet met in the lecture halls at EDC Paris BS. They are now in their 4th year, members of the Student-Entrepreneur Track (a specific support measure), and recently launched the Pépite application. Much like during their studies, the two creators have made the most of the resources and measures available to business creators.
A mobile application that hunts out young French fashion designers
They have dreamed up, designed and created a mobile application for discovering and buying trendy clothing based on the Tinder-style swipe.
With more than 1,000 items on offer from around 40 young French designers, Pépite is already taking its place as the leading mobile fashion platform.
It has received rave reviews from the “Le Bonbon” blog, won over by its fresh, simple concept. “…as they juggle their classes, the app and phonecalls from designers, the two founders represent a new generation of entrepreneurs, and we love it!”
Download the application
- Store Apple (iOS)
- Playstore Android
Sessions d’information mentoring
21 09 2022 | Entreprise I Nos actualités
Vous êtes étudiant ou ancien de l’EDC ? Vous avez un projet de création d’entreprise ou de reprise d’entreprise ? Mettez toutes les chances de réussite de votre côté, intégrez EDCube !
Your campus at La Défense !
29 09 2021 | Our news
Watch a video of your new campus in the heart of La Défense
Votre campus à la Défense !
29 09 2021 | Nos actualités
Découvre en vidéo votre nouveau campus situé au coeur de la Défense