OCRE Research Laboratory Workshops
On 17 January 2019, the Observatoire et Centre de Recherche en Entrepreneuriat (OCRE) of EDC Paris Business School is organising a workshop on “Entrepreneurship innovation and governance”.
A cross-section of academics and practitioners
The ability of firms to develop innovation investments is influenced primarily by their governance (Sariol and Abebe, 2017, etc.). Over the last fifteen years, many studies have examined the influence of corporate governance on innovation development and entrepreneurship (Lu and Wang, 2017, etc.). Several works show the heterogeneous character of firms, including their governance modes that can affect their performance in terms of innovative activities (Le Breton-Miller et al, 2015).
This workshop, in its first edition, aims to address the complex link between entrepreneurship, innovation and governance. Our objective is twofold:
– Contribute to the debate on the determinants of entrepreneurship, including innovative entrepreneurship and the conditions for the emergence of innovative enterprises, such as start-ups.
– Focus on the profile of individual actors, such as entrepreneurs, innovators, administrators … and on their modes of governance as mechanisms for generating innovative ideas and developing the company.

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