EDC Paris Business School launches a new MSc in Business Development and Sales Management
Against a backdrop of intense competition, companies are actively seeking managers capable of conquering new markets. To prepare its students to become experts in the fields of sales, prospecting, entrepreneurship and strategy, EDC Paris Business School is enriching its training offer by opening an MSc Business Development and Commercial Management at the start of the 2019 academic year.
Academic excellence and professional experience
EDC Paris Business School's Master's degree program makes the most of the input from industry professionals throughout the program, giving students concrete issues to think about and submit an action plan for.
Participants in the Master's program are also invited to experience life in the corporate world by going out into the field to develop their sales skills, customer relations and prospecting. In fact, each student completes a 13-week internship as part of his or her initial curriculum, or follows a sandwich course.
Theoretical and applied teaching
This Specialized Master/MSc is a resolutely innovative and unique program. In particular, it will enable students to tackle issues linked to key accounts, business development and high-level negotiation. This 2-year program has been designed for students seeking to develop expertise in the business world. Through a combination of theoretical and applied teaching, the program enables students to master the strategic and operational aspects of management, interpersonal skills and negotiation.
The program is built around four pillars:
strategy (particularly in terms of CSR, HR, finance, marketing...)
management (of teams, careers...)
the commercial dimension (negotiating, selling, convincing)
the international dimension
Part of the program is also devoted to personal development and languages, to offer students an education as close as possible to market expectations.
Durant le cursus, les étudiants seront amenés à être capable de défricher de nouveaux terrains et de nouvelles opportunités d’affaires en France et à l’international, apprendre à maîtriser les techniques de négociation et de vente complexe avec un focus particulier sur les grands comptes et appréhender les compétences clés pour une démarche intra ou entrepreneuriale.
- Programme Grande École Management
Bac I Bac + 1 I Bac + 2 I Bac + 3 I Grande École program
Initial or sandwich course - In French or English
- M.Sc In – Business Development & Management Commercial Business Development
Bac + 3 I Bac + 4 I Marketing et développement I Master of Science MSc et M.Sc In
work-study program - In French
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29 09 2021 | Our news
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Votre campus à la Défense !
29 09 2021 | Nos actualités
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