What is the Management? Functions, role,.
What is the Management?
There are probably as many definitions of management as there are managers. Is management a tool, a set of techniques or even a philosophy? In English, “to manage” means both to manage, to administer, to direct, to control, to succeed and to deal with! But no matter how you look at it, management is essential to the success of companies in today’s world.
Are you interested in management training? Find out about our program “Bachelor management“. Let’s review to guide you.
What is the definition of management?
Management concerns organizations of all sizes and all sectors of activity and its primary objective is to improve performance. Globally, management is a set of techniques that allow to manage, organize, direct, control and plan the different activities of the company. It therefore concerns management, administration and human resources
If there are several definitions of management, it is because each manager, while sharing the same principles, may have a different conception of the company’s priorities. For some, management is all about forecasting and planning. For others, it is primarily used to solve problems. For others, management is essentially a human resources tool whose purpose is to ensure the cohesion of teams to push them to give their best.
Whatever the goal set in the short, medium or long term, management makes it possible to gather and coordinate the various resources of the company to achieve its objectives by following a common directive. The ultimate goal of these efforts is, of course, the growth of the company, through the reduction of its costs and the optimization of its profits.
Other management definitions
Finally, it is important to distinguish “operational management” from “strategic management”. The operational management (or middle management) gathers all the managerial decisions taken in the short term to direct the current management of the company: recruitment and management of the teams, reporting, marketing, price setting, promotional actions… The strategic management (or top management) concerns all the great decisions taken by the direction of the company: repurchase of company, opening of subsidiary, creation of new service…
There are several types of management, each adapted to specific organizational contexts and needs:
Type 1: Hierarchical management
This is the traditional model, where decisions come from the top of the pyramid and are implemented downwards. This type of management is often used in formal, rigid structures, such as government departments or large industrial companies.
Type 2: Participative management
Participative management emphasizes employee involvement in decision-making. Managers consult their teams regularly, fostering a climate of trust and collaboration. This model is particularly suited to companies that value innovation and creativity.
Type 3: Management by objectives
Management by objectives consists of defining precise objectives for each employee, ensuring that these objectives are aligned with those of the company. This type of management encourages employee autonomy and accountability, while measuring performance objectively.
Type 4: Agile management
Inspired by software development methods, agile management is based on adaptability and flexibility. Teams work iteratively, with rapid decision-making and a high degree of autonomy. This type of management is common in technology companies or in sectors undergoing constant change.
Type 5: Project management
Project management focuses on organizing and coordinating resources to carry out a specific project, often with a deadline and precise objectives. This type of management is often cross-functional, mobilizing skills and people from different departments.
What is the difference between management and administration?
Although “management” means both management and administration, we tend to separate the two terms because they have many differences. Management is in fact only one of the components of management: it brings together all the technical elements that make it possible to steer the company in terms of accounting, administration, sales or finance.
Management, on the other hand, requires a little more height: it is based more on a project and most often requires the coordination of different disciplines. Decision-making is a key value in management, hence the need to be able to convince and federate.
What are the 5 functions of management?
Management is a dynamic process made up of various activities that are quite different from operational functions such as marketing, finance or purchasing. Rather, these activities are common to every manager, regardless of level or status, and they are inseparable from one another.
- The planning: Planning is the basic function of management: it consists of mapping out the most appropriate course of action to achieve predetermined objectives, bridging the gap between “where we are and where we want to be”. It allows you to solve problems and make the right decisions at the same time.
- The organization of tasks : Task organization is the process of bringing together the physical, financial and human resources that enable the company to achieve its objectives by providing everything that is useful for its operation. Good organization requires identifying and classifying activities, assigning tasks and responsibilities and coordinating actions.
- The recruitment: The function of recruitment is to select the best employees to enable the company to develop, then to evaluate their performance and to enable them to improve by remaining motivated (thanks to remuneration, bonuses and training).
- The management: Management consists of supervising and directing the work of employees to effectively achieve the company’s objectives.
- The supervision process: Supervision consists of evaluating the work done in relation to the defined objectives. It also provides standards for measuring, comparing and making the right decisions.
Taking on responsibilities to become a manager
The manager is responsible for the proper execution of the tasks assigned to the employees under his responsibility. The Top Manager is a leader in charge of developing the company’s strategy and guaranteeing its mission. The Functional Manager oversees a particular branch or area, such as finance or marketing The Team Manager is responsible for the coordination of a sub-group in charge of a specific function within the company.
Whatever the function, the role of the manager includes many responsibilities
- Supervise recruitment
- Training new employees
- Managing performance issues
- Translate corporate objectives into functional and individual objectives
- Monitor and control expenses and budgets
- Plan and set performance goals
Essential qualities to become a manager
Today’s manager is not just a decision maker who gives orders. We talk more and more about change management, participative management and responsible management. The importance of people is the key value today.
A good manager sets a positive example and knows how to encourage his team to succeed by using the strengths and qualities of each individual. A good manager creates an inclusive and diverse work environment where people feel good. A good manager clearly communicates objectives and expectations.
The essential qualities of a good manager :
- Know how to work as a team
The good manager creates a collaborative work culture and does not hesitate to delegate certain responsibilities. - Create a positive workplace environment: It is important to create a positive workplace environment in which team members feel included and respected. Valorizing talents, recognizing the team’s involvement or celebrating successes makes you feel appreciated and valued.
- Communication skills: A good manager must propose SMART (specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and time-bound) objectives in a transparent manner. The goals to be achieved must be clear and achievable, without vagueness (“to be done as soon as possible”) and without unnecessary pressure (“we must break all records”). A good manager must be available, listen and provide feedback on actions taken.
- Being a good coach: A manager is also a coach who must keep his employees motivated by uniting them around his project. He has the ability to transform the talents of each individual into collective performance.
- Develop your own skills: A good manager must not only rely on others and learn to grow alongside his team. He must also be able to identify his weaknesses and work every day to improve them.
Are you motivated and do you think you have what it takes to succeed using your leadership skills? Our program Bachelor of Science en Management awaits you !
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