How do you enter the job market after business school ?
A diploma from a Grande Ecole business school is a precious open sesame for students about to enter professional life. A guarantee of knowledge and interpersonal skills, it gives students the keys to success! After 5 years of study, they have acquired the expertise they need to enter the professions of their dreams.
Follow a high-level, market-driven program
The Grande Ecole Program, which delivers a Bac +5 Master's degree, is the assurance of benefiting from high value teaching, known and recognized by companies. The international EPAS accreditation obtained in 2016 has confirmed these strengths.
For example, the 5-year curriculum at EDC Paris Business School includes several internships and assignments (from years 1 to 5), enabling students to prove themselves in practice.
Language skills ? An indispensable element
Language learning is a gateway to the world. A professional level of English is essential, and a good TOEIC score is a must. Students also master a 2nd foreign language, giving their profile a solid international dimension.
Choosing your specialization
In the master's cycle at EDC Paris BS, students choose one of 8 specialization majors (e.g. Marketing Management, International Business, Entrepreneurial Management, e-Business, etc.). The goal? To acquire skills and expertise specific to the sector they wish to enter, in addition to common courses.
This is a definite advantage when it comes to hiring, ensuring that you're in the best position to face the recruiter.
Building a strong network
We can't stress this enough: it's (highly) advisable to build your network, exchange ideas and meet those who have succeeded before you. For example, EDC Paris BS students can count on the 15,000 graduates of the Force EDC network, spread across 77 countries worldwide, to draw inspiration from their experiences, avoid obstacles and build a powerful network.
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Sessions d’information mentoring
21 09 2022 | Entreprise I Nos actualités
Vous êtes étudiant ou ancien de l’EDC ? Vous avez un projet de création d’entreprise ou de reprise d’entreprise ? Mettez toutes les chances de réussite de votre côté, intégrez EDCube !
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Votre campus à la Défense !
29 09 2021 | Nos actualités
Découvre en vidéo votre nouveau campus situé au coeur de la Défense