Why be an entrepreneur ? 10 reasons to be an entrepreneur
Becoming an entrepreneur - whether you set up your own business or take over an existing one - means first and foremost becoming your own boss. This gratifying lifestyle choice, often driven by passion, is the best way to develop a project that's close to your heart because you've chosen it. Entrepreneurship is undoubtedly a freer choice, but it also entails greater risks than salaried employment, and is not for everyone. Nevertheless, entrepreneurship has the wind in its sails, and its success continues: let's see why.
Why start your own business ?
For most entrepreneurs, the desire to start their own business is motivated by the desire to "take charge of their own lives", to enjoy the pleasures of freedom and autonomy. An entrepreneur creates his own rules and guidelines, manages his own schedule, and has no one above him to oversee his day-to-day activities. Becoming independent is undoubtedly the primary motivation for entrepreneurs.
Setting up your own business also enables you to develop a personal project, which may correspond to a specific skill or an innovative idea in a particular field, such as new technologies. Most start-ups are created to develop a product or service that does not yet exist on the market.
Entrepreneurship often corresponds to a need to meet challenges and surpass oneself. Most entrepreneurs share a number of personality traits, such as ambition, determination, optimism, initiative and leadership.
Many entrepreneurs are leaders with a sense of teamwork. These born leaders take pleasure in federating talents to progress faster and more efficiently. We tend to differentiate between entrepreneurs and self-employed workers, since the latter are freelancers who handle all tasks (administration, accounting, etc.) on their own, without any salaried staff.
The possibility of earning more money than by being a "mere" salaried employee is also an inherent motivation for most entrepreneurs. Well-known success stories can be enough to make you want to get started: Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Bernard Arnault... the richest people in the world are all entrepreneurs.
What is the main purpose of entrepreneurship ?
Unlike non-profit organizations, a company's main objective is to grow by creating wealth (measurable by sales and profits) and employment. Entrepreneurship is thus an activity whose primary aim is to create value, an essential condition for its longevity.
Entrepreneurs are not only motivated by profit. Entrepreneurship often leads to products or services that improve people's lives. Henri Ford revolutionized twentieth-century capitalism when he created the first mass-produced car to help more people get around more easily. Many years later, Elon Musk founded Tesla to accelerate the global transition to a sustainable energy future. Numerous entrepreneurial innovations have advanced health, ecology, comfort and mobility.
10 good reasons to become an entrepreneur
There are many good reasons to start your own business.
To be free
Being your own boss means you can manage your time, make decisions without having to answer to anyone (most of the time), choose the people you want to work with and sometimes even choose your customers.
Create your own job
In an ever-changing world of work, setting up your own business can be the best way to find a stable job, without fear of redundancy or waiting for the perfect offer that may never fully meet your expectations.
Getting rich
Entrepreneurs can choose their salary, pay themselves a profit-sharing scheme and sell their business for a comfortable capital gain... provided the business is successful, of course. The potential gain is commensurate with the risk you take, and is frequently higher than in most salaried positions.
Meeting challenges
Setting up a business is a way of innovating, solving problems and changing the rules of the game. Entrepreneurship is an ideal activity for those who detest monotony and, on the contrary, want to be stimulated to excel on a daily basis. Because in the business world, there's no shortage of unforeseen events and challenges.
Challenging yourself
Entrepreneurs are constantly looking for ways to improve what they produce and sell. They need to optimize their organization, fine-tune their recruitment, keep abreast of market trends and customer expectations... Curiosity and the desire to learn are crucial skills for an entrepreneur.
Developing creativity
Entrepreneurship often requires finding new solutions to overcome obstacles, remove barriers and improve our offering. Entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for original ideas and new concepts to get them off the beaten track and out of their comfort zone.
Everything an entrepreneur achieves is directly associated with him or her, even when the project's success is the result of teamwork. The entrepreneur is an authority figure whose achievements are much more widely recognized than if he or she were simply an employee.
Stimulate your employees
Entrepreneurs know that the most lasting successes are built by working together, and that it's very gratifying to commit your teams to a project you've created.
Giving meaning to life
Creating a company that meets your values and needs allows you to achieve your full potential by finding a good reason to get up every morning.
Having fun
Making a project a reality and seeing it develop brings great satisfaction and pride. Building a brand, being recognized and appreciated by your customers, creating jobs... entrepreneurship is much more than a job: it's a constant source of excitement, gratification and surprises.
Would you like to use your creativity, energy and ambition to learn the fundamentals of management and set up your own business? Discover our program Master of Science Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
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