M.Sc In Commercial Management : our program
The Commercial Management and Business Development at EDC Paris Business School is offered to French and international students.
What is a Master of Science M.Sc In Commercial Management and Business Development?
EDC Paris Business School offers its students Masters of Science in various specializations. These are innovative and professional training courses that guarantee a high level of employability. Among them, the M.Sc In Commercial Management and Business Development.
What is our M.Sc In Commercial Management and Business Development?
By choosing our M.Sc. in Commercial Management and Business Development, you are aiming for an RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles) certified qualification with 5 years of higher education.
By joining our course, you opt for a training course dedicated to the concrete problems encountered by businesses. And this, whatever the sector of activity concerned. Everyday managerial situations and the commercial stakes of the company are at the heart of our teaching.
Our Master of Science offers a specialized and personalized support to each student, who is accompanied by a high level professional throughout his project and during the writing of his thesis. It is an initial course with alternating internships, or a work-study programmes through a professionalization contract at the rate of one week of classes and three weeks in a company.
The idea of this course is to produce well-made heads. Students should be able to apply their knowledge to real managerial situations in companies. It is their leadership qualities, their ability to adapt and make decisions that are shaped during these two years of the Master of Science programme.
What are the competencies targeted by this diploma?
Various themes are explored as part of our M.Sc In Commercial Management and Business Development, including this non-exhaustive list:
- Personal development
- Corporate finance
- Ethical and solidarity issues
- Project Management
- Professional strategic diagnostics
- Information systems management
- Communication
- Strategic marketing
- Consumer behaviour
At the end of this Master of Science, students are expected to obtain skills that are essential for entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship.. In other words, they must be able to join business creation projects as well as interim management or specialised consulting projects. They must also master new commercial negotiation techniques.
The objective of this M.Sc In Commercial Management and Business Development ? To learn how to generate commercial contacts where they do not yet exist and to know how to detect the best business opportunities in France and abroad. A know-how that is all the more sought after by major accounts.
Who is our training for?
Candidates for our M.Sc In Commercial Management and Business Development can be French or foreigners. They can join this course at five years of higher education in the first or second year.
As a French student, you must have a Bac +3 to enter this program in the first year, or a Bac +4 in the second year. Foreign students must have diplomas recognized as equivalent by EDC Business School.
Potential students for our M.Sc In Commercial Management and Business Development are both students and professionals The latter join our curriculum when they wish to specialize or upgrade their skills in order to develop their career.
This programme is not only designed to provide theoretical instruction, but also offers total immersion in concrete issues. It aims to train tomorrow’s managers and sales executives!
What are the opportunities for this Master of Science?
The professional integration offered by EDC Paris Business School’s courses is well established.
Moreover, at the end of a crisis period such as we have just experienced, the issues of change management and interim management will be at the heart of professional priorities. Thanks to the agility taught by our program, students are sure to meet the leadership needs of companies.
They also have the opportunity to rely on an international network of more than 18,500 alumni. Thanks to this solid network, the work of our Corporate Relations department with our more than 2,800 recruiting partners, and the quality of our teaching, there are many opportunities: business developer, business engineer, sales engineer, new market manager, key account manager, project manager, etc.
Don’t hesitate to discover all our training courses by browsing our website and to contact EDC Paris Business School for more information.
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