Master Digital Marketing – EDC Paris Business School
What are the marketing professions ?
The marketing sector is particularly wide-ranging and diverse, and is currently undergoing a veritable revolution driven by digitalization. Bringing together a wide range of exciting professions, today's dematerialized communications require specialists who are perfectly attuned to the new channels of exchange and the way they work. That's where professionals with a Master's degree in Digital Marketing come in. Thanks to their targeted expertise, they are able to provide companies with strategies designed to position their brand image in today's industry landscape.
The Digital Marketing Master's degree: a course designed for digital communication
All marketing professions now include a digital dimension. Communication and advertising - the very foundations of marketing - can no longer be considered without the development of online strategies. Websites, social networking, target and competitor identification... today's specialists have to meet the needs of B2B and B2C companies looking for a communications approach that takes account of the current economic climate. By focusing on the digital component of these strategies, the Master Marketing Digital trains experts capable of occupying a wide variety of roles, both in companies that are already highly digitalized and in more traditional organizations.
Trained in communications, brand promotion, sales or customer relations, graduates of a Master's degree in Digital Marketing are at the heart of a newly redefined sector. They work in fields as diverse as sports, video games and IT, but also in luxury goods, online sales and start-ups...
Relationship marketing manager
A Master's degree in Digital Marketing is the ideal preparation for managerial positions. Today, the divide between relationship marketing and webmarketing is becoming increasingly blurred, giving priority to profiles capable of juggling concepts that may seem diametrically opposed. Customer Relationship Management, for example, is halfway between sales development, public relations, HR and community management! In other words, human contact is at the heart of expectations. But it also means knowing how to meet people where they are, and using communication methods that speak to them. More than ever, an excellent knowledge of digital exchange channels and the codes that characterize them is essential.
Manager webmarketing
Without SEO, many companies would remain invisible. With the Internet at the heart of virtually all visibility strategies, webmarketing managers work on SEO, community management and branding. This demanding profession requires a constant awareness of industry developments and emerging consumer niches. In-depth knowledge and a genuine passion for the digital world are required to work in this high-pressure profession.
Business developer
More and more business development experts are opting for a Master's degree in Digital Marketing to launch them into a career in which they need to build effective strategies. While holders of a degree in management, finance or "classic" marketing are of course eligible, a good understanding of the digital world will enable them to fully grasp today's persuasion drivers. Setting up partnerships, prospecting, communication, identifying growth levers... the Business Developer profession is best reserved for those who cultivate a certain versatility !
Content manager
On the Internet, content is king. That's why companies no longer hesitate to surround themselves with people holding a Master's degree in Digital Marketing to help them identify effective editorial lines. The content manager ensures that content is consistent with the company's image. Of course, impeccable writing skills are a prerequisite for this job, but storytelling skills are also a must, as is mastery of a wide range of digital creation and analysis tools. Web and communications-oriented profiles therefore offer the ideal skills.
Growth Hacker
Le titre de « pirate de la croissance » a de quoi impressionner. Les professionnels qui le portent savent identifier les leviers de croissance pour booster le développement d’une entreprise à moindre coût. Tout se joue en ligne, où optimiser l’acquisition de visiteurs d’un site ou d’utilisateurs d’une application représente une activité centrale. Les enseignements d’un Master Marketing Digital apportent les connaissances indispensables pour employer les outils techniques de pointe associés aux stratégies d’acquisition actuelles. Grâce à des compétences en marketing opérationnel, en référencement SEO, en tracking des données ou encore en réseaux sociaux, les professionnels du growth hacking peuvent se montrer réactifs et efficaces.
Community Manager
One of the professions most commonly associated with Web 2.0, Community Manager takes into account the two-way nature of today's information exchange. Far from traditional marketing models where only the brand speaks to its consumer, we are now witnessing the predominance of platforms where it is consumers who speak to brands and to brands. The Community Manager is the facilitator of this need for exchange.
Web Analyst
Without a Master's degree in Digital Marketing or a 5-year degree with a strong focus on statistics, it's impossible to launch a career as a Web Analyst. As the name suggests, Web Analysts analyze the online activity of a site, an application, a platform, or even an entire company. The aim is then to propose improvement strategies that can be implemented consistently. These must take into account the company's budget, as well as its communication methods. At the heart of the elements studied are the customer journey, the length of time spent on each page, transactions and all interactions which may or may not end in a sale. The aim is to identify trends and optimize every aspect of the company's online presence. The technical skills required are highly advanced, and a good ability to synthesize information and a certain affinity with numbers will prove necessary for those destined for this type of career.
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