4 good reasons to opt for a work-study program
Choose work-linked training and discover the 4 key reasons to boost your career with practical training and recognized qualifications to open up real professional opportunities !
Practical work-study training
Work-study programs enable you to acquire a real job. Do you have a bac +3 diploma? It's possible to do a work-study Master's degree, which leads to a bac + 5 diploma. Thanks to work-study ,the student acquires concrete professional experience in a company. If they carry out part of training at school, the student is also under contract to a company with employee status. This means they are trained directly in the field by professionals. By the end of their training, they have already mastered the codes of the working world and are rapidly employable, which is highly appreciated by companies. It's also important to remember that most host companies aim to hire the student at the end of the work-study program.
The best way to choose your career path
The alternating periods of training and work experience enable students to find out whether they have made the right career choices. They quickly apply their theoretical knowledge and, by being confronted with the realities of the job, see whether in practice the chosen profession corresponds to their expectations and skills.
Work-study programs ease the transition from student to professional life. Students often have the opportunity to be hired by their host company at the end of their training. They can also easily reorient themselves if they discover they're not cut out for the job.
Creating a professional network
As part of their on-the-job training, students have the opportunity to work with a wide range of professionals, including colleagues, suppliers and customers. This represents a unique opportunity to build up a professional network that will be useful not only when looking for a job, but throughout his or her career. It's therefore in your interest to maintain close relationships with all your professional partners.
Work-study training paid for by the company
As part of a work-study program, tuition fees are paid by the company, which in return receives state aid. This means that the student only has to bear any travel and accommodation costs. In addition, depending on the type of contract, age and level of qualification, students receive a minimum wage of between 25% and the full minimum wage. Companies may even choose to pay more than the legal minimum.
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