Bachelor's awards : Le Parisien
For the first time this year, our school has been included in Le Parisien magazine's Palmarès Bachelor.
Our Bachelor in Management ranked 4th in the post-bac ranking and 19th out of 55 in the overall ranking.
Our top-rated criteria include :
- 5/5 for development
- 4/5 for pedagogy
- 4/5 for international activities
- 4/5 for professional integration
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Your campus at La Défense !
29 09 2021 | Our news
Watch a video of your new campus in the heart of La Défense
Le Parisien 2021 ranking of business schools with Master's degrees
19 05 2021 | Competition I Student I Our news
EDC Paris Business School takes 6th place in the ranking of "Ecoles post-bac".