Bachelor Management

Bachelor of Science in Management

  • 180 ECTS
  • 10300€
  • Sept. 2025
  • 36 Months
  • FR or EN



The first two years of our Bachelor's degree, accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education, form a general core curriculum to develop a sound understanding of management science.

The 3rd and final year involves either specialisation or an overseas degree in order to enter the job market or to provide a solid grounding for further study.

Our Bachelor’s degree can be studied 100% in English from the first year.

Our Bachelor in Management allows you to claim a level II RNCP* title (Level 6 – European nomenclature) equivalent to a bachelor’s degree and/or an official degree from a foreign university.

Bachelor – Code RNCP 39442 –– Diplôme EDC Paris Business School – Bachelor’s degree visa

* For anyone who joined the bachelor’s programme before 1/09/2021, the granting of the RNCP title is the responsibility of the FORMATIVES certifier and is subject to a specific process. Any student joining the bachelor programme from 01/09/2021 will benefit from a diploma recognised as bac+3 by the Ministry of Higher Education.



  • Get top management jobs in a wide variety of industries and departments
  • Start your own business
  • Take your studies further with a specialised Master’s


  • Significant involvement of EDC’s permanent staff in both the core curriculum and specialisations
  • The signature “DIVE” teaching approach, which provides hybridisation of skills, personal development and mastery of digital technology
  • A unique system called “EDC Impact” to assist students’ professional development
  • A specialisation in the field of luxury industry management in which EDC Paris Business School is the leader
  • A Bachelor’s degree certified by the Ministry for Higher Education and in the Top 5 of post-secondary schools
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Programs, events, advice… Have your own experience of EDC Paris Business School and get all the information that interests you in one click.


    • Customer relationship management (CRM & Big data) 
    • Multi-channel communication and web design 
    • Advanced negotiation and Hackaton  
    • Business Game Professional development 
    • Languages and international communication: Chinese, English and LV3 
    • Professional dissertation tutoring


    • Referencing, SEO and web analytics 
    • Marketing and digital communication 
    • Hakaton création DNVB 
    • Sales management and international development 
    • Soft Skills and professional development 
    • Languages and international communication: Chinese, English and LV3 
    • Professional dissertation and defense
    • Referencing, SEO and web analytics 
    • Marketing and digital communication 
    • Hakaton création DNVB  
    • Sales management and international development 
    • Soft Skills and professional development 
    • Languages and international communication: Chinese, English and LV3 
    • Professional dissertation and defense

    • Data analysis with Power BI 
    • Corporate and banking law 
    • Accounting and corporate finance 
    • Cost analysis and management control 
    • Business Game 
    • Professional development 
    • Languages and international communication: Chinese, English and LV3 
    • Professional dissertation tutoring


    • Social and tax law 
    • Investment and financing policy 
    • Accounting and financial engineering 
    • Legal auditing and management control 
    • Soft skills and professional development 
    • Languages and international communication: Chinese, English and LV3 
    • Professional thesis and defense
      • Sales Negotiation and Engineering 
      • Management of large international accounts 
      • New business models 
      • International Business Development + Mission 
      • International Business Law 
      • Career workshops and professional projects 
      • Language Studies: English / French as a Foreign Language (FLE)/ Chinese/LV3 (optional) 
      • Personal Development and Soft Skills 
      • Internship + Professionel Thesis

      • Knowledge & challenges of the luxury industry 
      • Digital Marketing and Sales force in luxury 
      • International development strategy in luxury 
      • Marketing Law 
      • Career workshops and professional projects 
      • Language Studies: English / French as a Foreign Language (FLE)/ Chinese/LV3 (optional) 
      • Personal Development and Soft Skills 
      • Internship + Professionel Thesis
      • Sport marketing communication and staekhoolder : sponsorship in sport and E-sport " 
      • Sport Retail Management, sales management & category management 
      • Business models of sport organisation 
      • International development strategy in sport + Mission 
      • Knowledge, benchmarking & challenges in the sport industry 
      • Sport Business Law 
      • Career workshops and professional projects 
      • Language (FLE)/ Chinese/LV3 (optional) 
      • Personal Development and Soft Skills 
      • Internship + Professional Thesis


The three-year course is divided into six semesters: it awards a total of 180 ECTS credits; each student receives a minimum of 975 hours teaching.

The course is mainly taught on the “Paris La Défense” campus. Students will also have access to all the School’s Paris campuses (Paris La Villette and Paris 7th).


Bilingual (French/English) track or Full-English track

Semester 1

  • Introduction to accountancy
  • General culture and knowledge of the world
  • Sales techniques + sales mission
  • Solidarity and self-knowledge
  • Quantitative decision support methods
  • “Professional and career effectiveness” workshop
  • English
  • Chinese

Semester 2

  • Analytical accountancy
  • Market research + “agorize” challenge
  • Introduction to law
  • Introduction to economics
  • Quantitative decision support methods
  • “Professional and career effectiveness” workshop
  • English
  • Chinese


  • “Discovery” placement (maximum 6-8 weeks) in France or abroad*

* from the start of the 2021 academic year, one of the two 1st or 2nd year courses must be held abroad.


Bilingual (French/English) track or Full-English track

Semester 3

  • Marketing management
  • Soft skills & team dynamics
  • Digital Transformation
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate social responsability issues and trends
  • “Professional and career effectiveness” workshop
  • English
  • Chinese in luxury context

Semester 4

  • Financial analysis and company finance
  • Operational marketing
  • Organisational behaviour and human resources
  • Introduction to research
  • Business plan and creating a company
  • “Professional and career effectiveness” workshop
  • English
  • Chinese


Development” internship of 8 to 12 weeks maximum in France or abroad*.

* from the start of the 2021 academic year, one of the two 1st or 2nd year courses must be held abroad.


  • Specialization in luxury management (100% in English)
  • International business development specialization (100% in English)
  • Specialization in digital marketing & sales management (100% French language training)


Academic exchange for one semester or one year.

 Placement (if specialisation on a full-time course)

Final placement for a minimum of 20 weeks in France or abroad* directly related to the chosen specialisation.

This involves total immersion in a company or any other kind of organisation and its objective is to apply the knowledge acquired on the course and the skills developed in previous placements. The final placement will be presented to a panel which will evaluate both the substance and the form of the student’s professional experience.

EDC Paris Business School has 4 double degree agreements with 3 different institutions abroad:

  • McGill University (Canada): Applied Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Management
  • Dublin Business School -Griffith College (Ireland) : Business studies
  • Academia de Studies Economics de Bucarest (Romania) : International Management

Students are evaluated in many different ways throughout their course:

  • The type of examination is adapted to the level of teaching: during the 1st cycle, examinations (Multiple Choice, tests of knowledge, practical exercises) mainly aim to confirm knowledge acquisition. Later, students are mainly evaluated through case studies, role-play exercises and presentation of project work.
  • Each placement requires a report to be written demonstrating that the relevant skills have been acquired.

More generally, we use the following six levels of cognitive skill to evaluate our students:

  • Understand: quizzes, pairing exercises, etc.
  • Recognise / Know: quizzes, pairing exercises, etc.
  • Apply: (practical exercises, simulations, etc.)
  • Analyse: (problem-solving, case studies, etc.)
  • Evaluate: (case studies, critiques, etc.)
  • Create: (projects, etc.)

Professors award bonus points for active participation in class or in remote sessions when students contribute to a discussion forum.

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Study abroad through our overseas partners


Professionals can apply to have their skills acquired in a professional situation recognized through a VAE process.

For more information, contact our Admissions Department by email at [email protected] or by phone at +33(0)7 60 43 67 44 or +33(0)7 60 43 71 46


Our students carry out consulting assignments based on real-life cases. 1st and 2nd years: minimum 6-8 week internship in France or abroad in 2nd year, and consulting assignments with companies. 3rd year: end-of-studies internship of at least 20 to 24 weeks in France or abroad, or 12-month apprenticeship, and consulting assignments with companies.

EDC Paris Business School also enables its students to study on a work-study basis.

Two types of contracts are available for work-study training: the apprenticeship contract for the Bachelor’s degree and the professionalization contract for the M.Sc In. Both make it possible to combine practical training in a company with theoretical training at an institution.

Popular with both students and companies, this system provides unique long-term experience as a genuine company employee (one week at school – three weeks at the company). This professional experience gives the student both expertise and soft skills, both highly appreciated by companies.

The sandwich course exonerates the student from tuition fees and enables them to receive a salary.






  • Admissions via Parcoursup and in-house competitive entrance

This route is open to French and overseas students who are eligible for Parcoursup, having a baccalaureate or its overseas equivalent.

logo parcoursup long


Parcoursup The candidate chooses “EDC Paris BS” to join the Bachelor program.

1. For pupils in the final year of secondary school:

  • Expected marks in the baccalaureate in French and specialist subjects,
  • Core subjects,
  • Marks from the penultimate (3 terms) and final (first 2 terms) school years,
  • Items from the “fiche Avenir” (work methods, ability to work unsupervised, commitment and initiative, etc.),

2. For holders of the baccalaureate seeking to change direction:

  • Marks from the baccalaureate,
  • Expected marks in the baccalaureate in French,
  • Distinction (if applicable)

In-house competitive entrance exam – Parcoursup

(only for candidates who have successfully passed the first stage)

The fees for the in-house exam are payable on Parcoursup

  • 1st stage (admissibility phase): analysis of Parcoursup dossier
  • 2nd stage (admission phase)

Asynchronous oral tests (remote via video):

  • 1st oral test (duration 30 minutes) – multiple choice test in English
  • ​ 2nd oral test (duration 30 minutes) – interview to determine motivation & match with course objectives

Test dates:

  • April 6, 2025 before midnight: end of confirmation of wishes on Parcoursup
  • April 8, 2025: File reviews begin
  • April 12, 2025: English MCQ
  • April 27 to May 16, 2025: orals
  • June 1, 2025: results on Parcoursup



This route is open to any French student who has obtained 60 or 120 ECTS credits at a university or other establishment recognised by the State or who holds a DUT, a BTS or an RNCP 
level V qualification.

  • Admissions on application and motivation interview

1. Content of the file :

  • Transcripts (last two years),
  • Copy of diplomas obtained,
  • Letter of motivation and two letters of recommendation,

2.For successful candidates, the evaluation continues with two oral tests:

  • 1st oral test (duration 30 minutes) – motivation & suitability for the training objectives
  • 2nd oral test (duration 30 minutes) – English MCQ

I am applying



This route is open to any French student who has obtained 60 or 120 ECTS credits at a university or other establishment recognised by the State or who holds a DUT, a BTS or an RNCP level V qualification.

Admissions on application and motivation interview

1. Content of the file :

  • Transcripts (last two years),
  • Copy of diplomas obtained,
  • Letter of motivation and two letters of recommendation,
  • A valid test of French as a foreign language for candidates who have not attended a French-speaking school.

2. For successful candidates, the evaluation continues with two oral tests:

  • 1st oral test (duration 30 minutes) – motivation & suitability for the training objectives
  • 2nd oral test (duration 30 minutes) – English MCQ

I am applying



  •  French or European Union students: 7 270 Euros*

* rates for the 2023/2024 academic year


  •  French or European Union students : 10,300 Euros per year*
  • International students: 10,700 Euros per year*

* rates for the 2023/2024 academic year

For more information, the admissions department offers personalised appointments by telephone on +33 1 46 93 02 70 or by e-mail [email protected]


Are you wondering how to finance your studies? Find out more about the methods established by EDC Paris Business School to help you finance your studies.

Find out more


Our Bachelor in Management gives you a Level II in the French RNCP system (equivalent to Level 6 in European Nomenclature) equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree and/or an official degree from a foreign university.

* For any student who joined the Bachelor course before 1 September 2021, the awarding of the RNCP certificate is the responsibility of the FORMATIVES certification organisation and is subject to a specific process.

All students who join the Bachelor course from 1 September 2021 will receive a degree certified as being of Bachelor level by the Ministry for Higher Education.

As part of the Bachelor degree, 75 hours spread over three years are devoted to career development and the search for a first job.

This support system, called “EDC Impact” enables each student to gradually develop their career objectives during the three years of their course. It puts technical and behavioural teaching into practice and provides new teaching modules (technical course on finding a placement, personalised preparation for job interviews with recruitment professionals).

  • 1st year: students gain better understanding of their personality and aptitudes
  • 2nd year: students identify target professions that correspond to their aspirations and gradually develop their career orientation
  • 3rd year: students finalise their career objectives, making the most of the acquired skills and personality traits that will enable them to make a difference in a company.
  • Find the job of your dreams with our “Career Center” which publishes more than 3,000 placement and 2,500 job offers every year.

For more information

Force EDC” is the network of former EDC Paris Business School students. It consists of 18,500 members in 71 countries throughout the world.

The association has three main missions:

  • Support the network of graduates in France and throughout the world
  • Support graduates throughout their career, wherever they might be, with personalised services
  • Promote EDC Paris Business School through events and meetings in France and throughout the world.

For more information

  • Digital technology, marketing and communication: digital project leader, community manager, digital communication officer, content manager
  • Commercial management: area manager, manager of sedentary or itinerant sales teams, key account manager, sales engineerl
  •  International track: product manager, start-up consultant, export manager, business unit manager

A few figures

Number of students: 195 – Satisfaction rate: 4/5 – Survey return rate: 74% – Drop-out rate: 5%.



Commitment to associations and solidarity are at the heart of EDC Paris Business School’s teaching program. Students can join one of the School’s 13 associations or commit to a partner association and carry out missions in the non-mercantile, solidarity economy.






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